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Home>Palette, Tray & Cup>Palette Cup

Plastic Palette Cup
This cup feature a bottom clip that slides over the edge of palette. The primary use of these cups is to hold turpentine, linseed oil or other mediums, Available as a single or double

Item #         Measures
PMP01   2" Dia.  1"deep single
PMP02   2" Dia.  1" deep Double

Brass Cylinder Palette Cup
Better looking than the aluminum cup. The bottom has a clip which slides over the edge of your flat oil color palette  for holding liquid medium

Item #         Measures    
SMP05   1-1/2"Diam. 1" deep single
SMP06  1-1/2"Diam. 1" deep double

Stainless Steel Cylinder Palette Cup
This drum shape stainless steel cups are well made. with the lid can prevent any liquid leak when closed. Available as single or Double

Item #         Measures    

SMP01   1.1/2"Diam. 1-1/4" deep single
SMP02  1-1/2"Diam. 1-1/4" deep double

Stainless Steel Drum palette Cup
Attaches to the side of your flat palette with a clip to hold liquid mediums, lids can be screwed tightly and allow no liquid leak out.  Available as single or double

Item #         Measures    
SMP03     2"Diam.   1" deep single
SMP04     2"Diam.   1" deep double